First Common Written Examination is getting closer day by day and everyone is working hard to crack the cutoff marks in the examination. But getting success in the common written exam is not that easy, it needs hard work, right guidance, patience and most important right study materials. It is already cleared by the IBPS that the question pattern of examination will be same as the question asked in the previous bank recruitment exams. So it is quite obvious that everyone should solve previous years Question paper for the success in common written examination (CWE). After searching a lot I find a good Question bank with solved explanation on a online server. So for my readers I want to share this link from where they can download Previous year question papers in the form of e-book. Follow the link below which will go to megaupload site, chose the free option and wait for few seconds as shown on the screen, after that a link for download will appear. Now book is ready to download, just click the download button and save on your computer. You will need Acrobat Reader to read this book. Install Acrobat if already not installed.
Downloading question bank alone is not
sufficient as you need to work hard for reaching to cutoff marks. As I
always say Hard Work and Patience is the key for success in the bank
recruitment exams. The coming common written exam (CWE) will throw new
challenge to you. Get ready for the thrill and Best of Luck from my